How to Dispose of Surplus Property
University-owned, unneeded surplus property, including furniture and miscellaneous items, can be disposed of through the UVA ReUSE Store. Facilities Management Moving Services is able to transport the items but there will be a handling cost associated with pickup.
Customer Portal Surplus RequestSubmit a Surplus Request
To dispose of surplus property, submit a Customer Portal Surplus Request.
Methods of disposal
Detailed procedures for disposing of surplus property can be viewed on the Surplus Property Procedures webpage. For further information, please see the Surplus Property Disposal policy.
Note: Offsite locations may be exempt from using specific contracted vendors and must work with Facilities Management to seek proper solutions.
The UVA ReUSE Store cannot accept non-UVA owned surplus.
Methods that do not fall under the oversight of surplus property
- For UVA College at Wise, please visit the college's website for information about UVA College at Wise's surplus property disposal process.
- To transfer between UVA departments, please visit Information Security and Business Asset Accounting websites for proper procedures.
- To transfer property to a non-Commonwealth of Virginia agency, see faculty departure checklist for further instructions.
- Radioactive or hazardous materials must be disposed of by Environmental Health and Safety.
- For IT equipment (computers or any equipment that sorts data) purchased with Health System funds, please visit Health Information & Technology Equipment Surplus for disposal instructions.
- Small office equipment and reusable office supplies will be picked up by Facilities Management Recycling as part of the ROSE Program at no cost to departments. These items include, but are not limited to:
- tape dispensers
- paper clip holders
- rulers
- scissors
- pencil sharpeners
- stapler
- penholders
- hole-punch
- desk lamps
- paper
- clips
- dividers
- binders
- UVA Recycling handles all surplus light bulbs, including florescent.
- Housing and Residence Life handles the disposal of dormitory furniture.
- Medical Equipment Recovery of Clean Inventory (M.E.R.C.I. recycling program), accepts unused supplies and small equipment and makes them available to the UVA community. If you are closing a lab, consider sending your unused items to M.E.R.C.I.