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Systems Control Center

The Systems Control Center (SCC) is a 24/7 operation responsible for monitoring Building Automation Systems (BAS) to include Fire and Life Safety, Energy and Utilities, and other critical mission functions for both Academic and UVA Health facilities. They also serve as Facilities Managements (FM's) after-hours customer support function dispatching emergent response services across Grounds. Staffed with highly trained operators, the center monitors over 100,000 building system points, manages over 800 Emergency Procedures and receives more than 16,000 calls each year ranging from routine equipment maintenance actions to facility emergencies such as fires, floods, and/or elevator entrapments.

The Systems Control Manager oversees the SCC and is also responsible for FM's Continuity of Operations planning. In this role, they serve as FM's liaison to the Universities Critical Incident Management Team (CIMT) and provides support for preparedness activities, aids with organizing and coordinating response and recovery efforts, as well as provides guidance for mitigation strategies based on multiple hazards that could affect operations across Grounds.

SCC resources

Continuity of Operations

FM critical incident management plans

FM UVA alert procedures

Contact information

Dan Shantler
Dan Shantler
Systems Control Center Manager
Phone: (434) 243-8072