Maintenance and repair services

Facilities Management is responsible for a comprehensive, University-wide program to identify and carry out necessary maintenance and repair of University facilities. Facilities inspectors conduct periodic, detailed inspections to evaluate the maintenance condition of facilities and to identify any necessary corrective work.
Maintenance, repair or other service work requiring minimal labor and cost is classified as routine service work. Normally, routine service work is handled on a first-in, first-out basis.
Questions concerning available maintenance and repair services for the University academic division should be referred to the Facilities Management Academic Customer Support Center at (434) 924-1777. For the health system, contact the Health System Physical Plant Customer Support Center at (434) 924-2267.
Services for leased facilities
Responsibility for maintenance and repair of leased facilities varies according to defined contractural conditions. Where such services are not provided by the lessor, Facilities Management may provide these and other services subject to the concurrence of all parties. Similar arrangements can be made for the renovation, alteration, or improvement of leased properties.
Facilities Management services to leased facilities are typically provided on a reimbursable basis. Facilities Management may be budgeted to provide routine maintenance, repair and utilities services when facilities have been leased for education and general activities.
Preventative maintenance
Preventive maintenance is planned routine inspection of equipment and facilities to provide adjustments, cleaning and minor repairs to ensure good serviceable condition and to reduce interruptions of service.
A computer-based preventive maintenance program, under which facility components, equipment and systems are inspected, tested and serviced on a scheduled basis, covers most University facilities. Required periodic tests of elevators, fire protection systems, boilers and pressure vessels are performed in accordance with applicable codes and regulations.
Requests for service
Academic division
Academic Customer Support Center
Hours: 7 a.m-5 p.m.
Phone: (434) 924-1777
Fax: (434) 924-0831
Address: Leake Building, 1450 Leake Drive (lower level)
Online: service request form
Classroom service can be requested by calling an easy-to-remember phone number, FIXIT (3-4948). The Customer Support Center (days) and Systems Control Center (nights and weekends) communicate with Facilities Management, UVA IT Services (ITS), and the Registrar’s staff to meet classroom needs.
UVA Health
Health System Physical Plant Customer Support Center
Hours: 7 a.m.-5 p.m.
Phone: (434) 924-2267
Fax: (434) 924-5342
Address: Multistory Building, Room G031
Online: service request form
Emergency services
After-hours emergency calls may be reported by calling:
Academic facilities and grounds
Phone: (434) 924-1777
UVA Health facilities and grounds
Phone: (434) 924-2267
All after-hours calls will be automatically forwarded to the Systems Control Center.
Service calls should be made during normal business hours (7 a.m.-5 p.m.) to insure the immediate response to emergency requests.