Performance management timeline
January 10, 2024
Self-evaluations due Jan. 12

The 2023 annual evaluation process is underway for employees and managers to highlight the past year's accomplishments.
Facilities Management is following the University's suggested timelines, outlined below.
- Now through Jan. 12: Employees compose and submit self-evaluations in Workday.
- The self-evaluation summarizes the year's accomplishments, skills gained, and any areas where improvement has occurred. (Note, planned goals can be reviewed in the 2022 evaluation under the employee's performance section.)
- Prepare for the upcoming year by identifying up to 5 items to focus on in 2024 (goals, priorities, development, etc.).
- Jan. 13 – Feb. 9: Managers summarize team and individual performance highlights with Reviewer (manager's manager) and then draft evaluations on each employee, noting special achievements and constructive feedback for future success.
- Feb. 10 – 23: Secondary reviewer/approver final engagement, including leadership reporting completed.
- For University Staff: Manager shares details of drafted evaluations and ratings with the Reviewer for feedback and possible changes. Following agreement, managers complete and submit the appraisal and schedule one-on-one meetings with employees.
- For Classified Staff: After managers submit the drafted evaluation, it routes to the Reviewer in Workday who provides additional feedback. After any necessary discussion or updates, the Reviewer sends the form forward.
- By March 8: All manager one-on-one meetings with employees conducted, evaluations submitted, and employee acknowledgments completed in Workday.
For tips about having career conversations, access to performance management tools, and additional information about the process, please visit the Academic Employees — Performance Management webpage. See the following guides based on employee review type:
- University Staff – Narrative Review Job Aid
- Classified Staff – Traditional Review Job Aid
If you have general questions about the performance process or need assistance completing the steps in Workday, contact the HR Solution Center at 434-243-3344 or with the subject line "Performance Management Help."
Jane Centofante
Communications senior generalist
UVA Facilities Management
(434) 982-5846