Construction site accessibility
May 2, 2024
Reminders for FM employees

Supporting accessibility is a University priority and enhances the physical environment for everyone at UVA.
“The University of Virginia values disability within the spectrum of human diversity and is committed to a living, learning, and work environment where individuals with disabilities can be their full selves and thrive,” according to the University's statement on accessibility.
In an effort to support accessibility, Facilities Management, the University Fire Marshal and the Office of the University Building Official (OUBO) work together to keep sidewalks and building exits clear of any obstructions to ensure individuals, especially those with mobility or vision impairments, can safely pass.
In addition to ensuring sidewalks are cleared of parked vehicles and equipment while supporting regular maintenance activities, project managers must pay special attention to any building exit or sidewalk that may be affected by construction activity.
It starts with asking the question, “Am I impacting a sidewalk or an exit?” according to Associate Building Official Kathy Grove. Project managers should also consider if the sidewalk or exit affected is along a barrier-free route according to the Geospatial Engineering Services accessibility maps.
OUBO reviews construction documents for any blocked building exits or sidewalks to ensure alternate exits and routes are determined that comply with Virginia's building code and the Public Right-of-Way Guidelines (PROWAG). Developing alternate routes that satisfy accessibility standards ensures people will not revert to walking in roadways or be unable to travel to their destinations.
“There's never one right solution,” Grove said. “Part of the advantage of OUBO being located at UVA is we can facilitate UVA doing the right thing faster…We can figure out ways to [reroute people] safely and in a code-compliant way.”
Newly updated Construction Alert templates include a new Exit & Sidewalk Accessibility section with reminders about whether these impacts have been reviewed with OUBO in advance. The template also includes reminders regarding maintaining digital accessibility of the document, which ensures individuals with visual impairments or other disabilities can equally access the content of the document.
Construction Alert templates (accessible via on Grounds network/VPN)For assistance with accessibility within the built environment, contact Associate Building Official Katherine Grove at or Senior Architect Bob Waite at For information about digital accessibility, contact UVA Digital Accessibility Coordinator Brooke Bailey at
Jane Centofante
Communications senior generalist
UVA Facilities Management
(434) 982-5846