Staff news April 2024
April 3, 2024
New Hires

- Travis B. Ackerman, electrician senior assistant, Housing Maintenance
- Arien Assadi, student worker, CC&R Design Services
- Justin A. Bernard, senior carpenter, McCormick Road Zone Maintenance
- Raceme Brady, custodial supervisor, North Grounds Custodial
- Kolton B. Graves, trades utility worker, HSPP Renovations
- Matthew C. Harlow, landscaper, Landscape
- Kelvin Jackson, custodial supervisor, E&G Custodial Services
- Sandra A. LaFontaine, senior construction project manager, CC&R – UVA Health Construction
- Alexander W. Muirhead, senior construction project manager, Construction & Renovation Services
- Ryan Phillips, locksmith assistant, Lockshop
Transfers & Promotions
- Dustin S. Buck, chiller plant zone supervisor, Chiller Plants
- Robert H. Byram, senior electrician, HSPP Zone 1 South
- Patrick Connolly, project manager, CC&R Renewal and Renovation
- Dante A. Crawford, IT help desk analyst 1, Technology & Innovation
- James B. Delfinado II, architect associate, Construction & Renovation Services
- Charlie H. Henderson, instrumentation & controls technician, Automation Services
- Tyrone C. Jenkins, custodian, Housing Custodial
- Jim Klapmust, assistant director for construction, Construction and Renovation Services
- Boaker Vay, senior custodian, Housing Custodial
Organizational Announcements
Assistant Director for Support Services June Bates recently shared the following two updates related to vehicle usage at Facilities Management:
Vandalism and theft from FM vehicles
There has been a recent surge of vandalism and theft from FM vehicles within the last few weeks. Please remind your teams to secure state vehicles/equipment and contents. Where possible, park in well-lit areas after-hours, preferably within view of security cameras. It is also recommended that drivers have a list of valuable vehicle contents for their records (e.g. hand tools, equipment). This proves helpful to have in the event of a theft.
Here are a few reminders regarding the use and management of state vehicles:
- Idling of state vehicles is to be limited to 3 minutes.
- Do not leave a state vehicle unattended with the engine running.
- Vehicle keys must not be left in an unoccupied state vehicle.
- State vehicles must be locked/secured when unattended and at the end of each work shift.
- The driver must take appropriate measures to prevent the theft of University property left in the vehicle.
Use of University-owned and leased vehicles
The Office of Property & Liability Risk Management has shared the following information: University-owned and leased vehicles are to be used strictly for University business purposes. Although University business could include picking up meals for a business meeting or attending a business lunch off grounds, it does not include employees' personal lunch pick-up or dining-in. Employees must use their personal vehicles for personal lunch purposes or other personal errands. If an accident occurs while operating a University vehicle for personal use, it could result in the employee being held personally liable. Should you have any questions in regard to these requirements, please contact Todd Hite or Kristin Dinwiddie.
Educational & Professional Accomplishments
David Scott Underwood, facilities inspector, and Bree Knick, associate director for construction and renovation services, graduated from the APPA Institute for Facilities Management in January 2024.

Bill Rockwell, health system engineer for Health System Physical Plant and chair of the UVA Safety and Security Subcommittee's Utilities Workgroup was recently highlighted by UVA Health Connect about his work to support all of the “little things” that are critical to making our hospital a safe place to receive quality care.

The Women in ACE (Architecture, Construction, and Engineering) Lunch hosted a group of 20 women from Facilities Management, UVA and community groups to connect like-minded professionals and students, exchange ideas, and foster valuable networks. Plumber Ryan McCarthy organized the March 26 lunch, sponsored by the UVA Maxine Platzer Lynn Women's Center, as an extension of the UVA Tradeswomen group. Occupational Health and Safety Technician Sarah Reed spoke during the event, sharing insights from the recent National Women in Construction (NAWIC) conference. To get involved in Women in ACE, contact Ryan McCarthy at
Compliments from Customers
Cameron Ratliff, Corey Jones, David Hermes, Marcus Klaton, Justin Shiflett, Gordon Durrett and Sergio Mendoza: I offer a huge round of thanks on behalf of Environmental Resources for Utilities' help remediating a release of concrete waste into the storm sewer at Scott Stadium as a result of contractor activity on Friday, February 16. Their quick response ensured the material did not reach the downstream creek and prevented negative impacts to aquatic life, a timely concern with rain in the forecast later in the day. Their teamwork was impressive in the way they efficiently and effectively accessed a sensitive location (grass field with heavy equipment) and cleaned the storm sewer. Thank you again! - Kristin Carter, Associate Director for Environmental Compliance
Best Wishes to FM Retirees

Dave Paley, project manager with Capital Construction & Renovations, retired March 22 after 22 years of service. Paley first joined UVA in 2001 and worked on the UVA Health side of construction planning for one year before moving over to the Academic side where he spent the past 21 years of his career. He was part of the trio of project managers formerly known as “The Wise Guys” who primarily worked on projects for UVA Wise. Projects he completed on the Wise campus included two dams, the childcare center, the nursing school, a dining hall and the Chancellor's residence among many others. “Dave's work has been hugely impactful in particular at Wise,” said CC&R Associate Director for Academic Construction Tim Roland. “He has done such a good job of making the students at Wise feel like a part of UVA.” Check out photos of Dave Paley's retirement gathering.

Victor Brown, plumber senior on the McCormick Road Zone Maintenance team, retired April 1 after more than 41 years. Brown first joined the University in 1982 as a housekeeper and participated in the UVA Apprenticeship Program from 1988-1992. He was encouraged to apply for the program by fellow FM staff members who he played basketball with at Slaughter Rec during their lunch break. Brown served the McCormick Zone for the majority of his career, “opening the walls in every building in the zone” which serves many research lab spaces, zone manager Randy Campbell wrote in a retirement letter. “You have worked on lab and research assets that we can't fathom the resulting affect,” he said. “You have been a part of research that has changed the way we live and breathe. You have made the environment of those who do the research suitable to accomplish their mission.” Outside of work, Brown is a talented bass guitar player and a member of the Chickenhead Blues Band. In his retirement he plans to play more music gigs with his band that regularly plays at area wineries. Check out photos from Victor Brown's retirement gathering.