Support your coworkers
February 28, 2022
The UVA Employee Assistance Fund assists employees in their time of need
A car accident, a spouse who lost their job or a loss of housing are just a few examples of challenges that can put a serious financial strain on individuals without extra support.
The Employee Assistance Fund (EAF) is a critical resource for UVA Academic Division employees who encounter a financial hardship due to an unexpected, non-recurring expense for a basic need. The fund – which is managed by the UVA Employee Community Resource Service — relies on donations from UVA employees and the community.
Since the fund was started in 2021, 38 Facilities Management employees have received assistance totaling $46,420. That's close to 50% of the total dollars granted and 30% of total employees assisted.
As a self-sustaining fund, donations are critical to the fund's ability to provide financially for UVA employees. One hundred percent of donations go directly towards supporting employees in the Academic Division who need assistance meeting basic needs such as housing, utility bills, clothing, and food. A review committee considers each application to ensure that no other sources of assistance are available, so you know your donation is going to someone in need.
Interested in donating?
The EAF is truly a chance for employees to support one another, according to UVA Community Resource Specialist Stuart Munson. UVA employees can donate through Workday on a one-time or recurring basis following these step-by-step instructions (PDF). External donations from non-employees can be submitted through the UVA Advancement website.
Employees are also asked to help spread the word about the fund and pay attention to fellow colleagues who may benefit from the program.
“If an employee is chronically late, it could be that they are having transportation problems or that they lost childcare and are shuffling their children among friends. We may be able to help with that. If an employee's performance declines, it could be they are wondering where they are going to sleep that night or that they did not eat last night. We may be able to help with that,” explains Munson.
“We are offering you the possibility of improving someone's life and work performance. We ask you keep your mind and ears open for opportunities to let people know about the service,” he said.
During a recent meeting with Facilities Management leadership, Munson shared a few quotes from employees who have benefited from the fund.
“My son passed away from a heart attack out of nowhere and I hit my bottom. Due to having no life insurance, I had to take all the money I had to bury him as well as money I didn't have. Since then, I have not been able to bounce back. I'm working hard trying and paying the debts off one by one. I've recently been taken to court for not paying bills that I couldn't pay at the time because of funeral expenses. I'm embarrassed, this is so not who I am, and something I don't feel great about.”
“I had to leave my rental house after 36 years because it is being sold. I am homeless and need a security deposit for my new room rental. I can pay monthly rent, just not the security deposit and the rent at once.”
Interested in applying for assistance?
The Employee Assistance Fund provides grants of up to $1,500 every 12 months for one-time, unexpected expenses for basic needs. Academic Division employees with at least one year of service and no Standards of Conduct violations are eligible to apply.
Follow these step-by-step instructions (PDF) on how to apply through Workday. The community resource specialist will work with applicants to explore all available sources of support.
All applications are confidential and will only be shared with individuals directly involved in award administration, processing, and tax reporting. Applications will be reviewed by the Employee Assistance Fund Review Committee and decisions will be communicated directly to the applicant.
Questions? Contact FEAP Crisis and Care Coordinator Rodney Diehl, or (434) 326-6206.
Jane Centofante
Communications senior generalist
UVA Facilities Management
(434) 982-5846