Move-in success
August 26, 2022
Facilities Management teams welcome students back to Grounds
Facilities Management teams have been working hard to prepare Grounds for the return of students.
FM groups — including Housing Facilities, Housing Custodial, Recycling Services, the Lock Shop, the Service Desk and more — worked throughout the Fall 2022 Move-In Weekend to ensure that service calls and lockouts were quickly addressed, and excess trash and recyclable materials were regularly collected.
Each year, parents and students leave behind about 26 tons of cardboard boxes, which Recycling Services staff works hard to keep out of landfills by setting up collection points near most of the residence hall dumpsters.
This past summer, Facilities Management and Housing & Residence Life completed multiple projects to enhance University housing.
The Construction & Renovation Services team completed a two-year HVAC replacement project in Lambeth Commons, which added an air system that will improve dehumidification in the apartments. Now, all bedrooms in each suite-style apartment will have heating-and-cooling units.
Plus, for the first time in the University's 200-year history, air conditioning is now available in all Lawn and Range rooms and additional upgrades were completed in Bice Hall, Tuttle-Dunnington and Kellogg.
Jane Centofante
Communications senior generalist
UVA Facilities Management
(434) 982-5846