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Staff News August 2022

August 26, 2022

New Hires

Transfers & Promotions

  • Bonita White, custodial services worker, North Grounds Custodial

Organizational Announcements

Following the recent retirement of Deputy Chief Facilities Officer Rick Rice, Facilities Management leadership has chosen to eliminate the position of deputy chief facilities officer and consolidate certain support activities under the new position of director of business services. The search process resulted in the selection of Blake Watson, currently director of finance, who started in this new position on Aug. 15. Blake will report to Don Sundgren and will initially be responsible for Programs and Informatics (Mark Webb) and Technology and Innovation (Chris Smeds) in addition to her current Finance responsibilities. Further consolidation of support activities into Business Services will be considered if deemed potentially beneficial to the organization.

Welcome to FM

Compliments from Customers

Doug Rush: In mid-August, an alert was issued that a planned outage would interrupt all power (normal and emergency) for the Toxicology Lab in the West Complex. A full system electrical outage is not possible since the laboratory operates seven days a week performing critical testing to care for patients. Fortunately, Doug Rush is very familiar with the operations in the West Complex and brought the alert notice to the lab. This allowed us to prevent a potentially catastrophic event and regroup to make an alternate plan. With the new plan in place to cut normal power only, Doug brought electrical cords and power strips so we could operate equipment and provide seamless care to our patients. Doug came in to the Toxicology Lab on Saturday morning when the power was shut down to assess the outage and make sure we had everything we needed. The partnership with Facilities Management is critical to operations and patient care and it is people like Doug Rush who make it work. His early notification allowed us to be part of the planning process. –Walter Oliveira, Toxicology Lab

Spreading Smiles