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New quarantine guidelines

February 15, 2021

Updated requirements for those exposed to COVID-19

Stay at home

In order to better protect employees on Grounds and to communicate clearly with those affected by COVID-19, Occupational Programs has been working with UVA’s COVID-19 Case Management Operations Team to implement new guidelines for those considered potentially exposed or a close contact to a COVID-19 positive individual.

A close contact/potential exposure is defined as being within six feet for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, regardless of your face cover usage, with someone who has tested positive COVID-19.

Updated quarantine/testing guidelines for Facilities Management employees potentially exposed to a COVID-19 positive person:

  • Potentially exposed employee identified (Occupational Programs is notified through existing COVID-19 reporting tools).
  • Occupational Programs reaches out via email to the affected employee, copying their supervisor and UVA’s COVID-19 Case Management Team, with instructions for a mandatory 10-day (from date of exposure) quarantine and testing directions:
    • Testing on day 5 (if no symptoms, Occupational Programs will submit a referral for employee to be tested at the UVA Asymptomatic Testing Clinic — not a UVA Saliva Testing Site — with results returned day 6).
    • Testing again on day 9 (ideally at UVA Asymptomatic Testing Clinic with results returned day 10).
    • UVA’s COVID-19 Case Management Team reaches out to the affected employee on day 9 to follow up and review their status.
    • With two negative tests, no symptoms, and no contact from Virginia Department of Health, employee is able to return to work on day 11.
    • Example: An employee is exposed on 01/01/2021. They would take a test on 01/06/2021 and 01/10/2021. If these tests are negative, they do not have any symptoms, and they were not placed on a longer quarantine by Virginia Department of Health, they can return to work on 01/12/2021.
  • During quarantine, the Virginia Department of Health may reach out to this employee to determine their level of exposure. Any instructions the department of health gives the employee overrides previous instructions from UVA’s COVID-19 Case Management Team or Occupational Programs.
  • UVA may release the employee back to work early if they are determined to not be a close contact by the department of health.
  • Failure by the employee to follow testing and quarantine instructions can lead to a longer quarantine and/or disciplinary action.

Special note: Employees who have completed their vaccine (both doses for the two-dose vaccines) more than two weeks prior to potential exposure will need to provide proof of vaccination, seek testing on day 5, and may continue working while observing all routine COVID-19 protocols (frequent handwashing, physical distancing of 6 feet or more, wearing a face cover). If symptoms are present or the test is returned positive, inform your supervisor and do not report to work.

Testing options:

  • Asymptomatic employees identified as a close contact/potential exposure will be referred to the UVA Asymptomatic Testing Clinic by Occupational Programs (note: this is not the same as the UVA Saliva Testing Sites).
  • All other asymptomatic employees (who have not had potential exposures) may seek testing at a UVA Saliva Testing Site or via Let’s Get Checked. Contractors may request a test kit by emailing
  • Symptomatic/sick employees should call Employee Health at 434-924-2013.

About the author

Jane Centofante
Communications senior generalist
UVA Facilities Management
(434) 982-5846