UVA COVID policy updates
May 27, 2021
University adjusts health and safety policies

The University of Virginia updated its mask policy earlier this month and as of May 28 lifted many of its restrictions put in place in the early phases of the pandemic.
Effective at midnight May 28, University policy will change in the following ways:
Physical Distancing: Students, faculty, and staff will no longer be required to maintain six feet of physical distance. University facilities, including classrooms and dining facilities, will be modified to reflect this change over the coming weeks.
Gathering limit: University policy will no longer limit the size of gatherings. In order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure, our public health experts continue to advise members of this community to conduct events virtually when possible and to keep in-person gatherings outdoors as much as possible.
Visitors to the University: University policy will no longer restrict visitors from outside the University. Consistent with University policy, all visitors should follow University face covering requirements if they are unvaccinated.
Remaining mask requirements: Consistent with CDC guidance and Gov. Northam’s Executive Order, those who are not vaccinated must continue to wear masks when around other people both indoors and outdoors. Those who are vaccinated are not required to wear masks, except under the following circumstances:
- When in specified areas of the UVA Health Medical Center, clinics, and academic/administrative areas, as indicated in UVA Health guidance
- When in the Student Health and Wellness Center
- When in saliva testing facilities
- When engaged in any activities involving K-12 students
- When using public transportation (University Transit System)
- When inside of a UVA FM vehicle with a passenger
If you are vaccinated and feel more comfortable continuing to wear your mask, you are encouraged to do so with the full support of the University.
Hoos Health Check: Academic Division faculty, staff, and students (with the exception of those in the School of Medicine, School of Nursing, or Health Sciences Library) will no longer be required to use Hoos Health Check before they come to Grounds, and email notifications will be turned off. We continue to encourage all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to consider whether they have any symptoms of COVID-19 before coming to Grounds and to stay home if they are feeling ill. Any Academic Division employees who are entering the Medical Center space to work or provide services will still need to complete the Hoos Health Check in advance, in compliance with federal regulations.
Summer Camp Update: Beginning May 28, camps and youth programs seeking to host summer youth programming on Grounds or under the authority of the University off-Grounds may request approval to operate. Camps and youth programs seeking to operate must be approved by the Office of Youth Protection.
The University expects all UVA and UVA Health faculty and staff who do not have a need for medical or religious exemption to get vaccinated as soon as possible. If you haven’t already done so, please schedule your vaccine. Any UVA employee who is not vaccinated will be subject to mandatory prevalence testing, which will begin this summer. More information on employee prevalence testing and how employees can present proof of vaccination will be released no later than June 15.
Jane Centofante
Communications senior generalist
UVA Facilities Management
(434) 982-5846