Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign
Online donations accepted through December 20
The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) charitable donation drive is still happening this year, but with one big difference: no red envelopes will be distributed this year.
Donations will be accepted online only through the CVC giving portal. The CVC runs through Dec. 20.
In a season marked by widespread financial insecurity and instability, it may feel more difficult to give to nonprofits or charities, but even the smallest donations can add up and make a substantial difference. Whether that’s a warm shower at The Haven, a meal through the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, health services through the Charlottesville Free Clinic, or end-of-life care through Hospice of the Piedmont, small contributions can provide help and resources to those who need it most.
How to donate through CVC giving portal:
- Check out the list of local non-profits in the Charlottesville-Albemarle area or the full list of nearly 1,000 participating charities.
- Open your ePledge Form and select “UVA 207” for your agency. You will need to provide a 9-digit employee ID, which can be found on the back of your ID card or in Workday under ‘Personal Information’, then ‘About Me’.
- Once you proceed to the next screen, you can search for your favorite non-profits by name, designate donations to multiple charities, and select one-time credit card donation v. payroll deductions.
- Include a personal mailing address and click the acknowledgements to confirm your donation before clicking “Submit.”
We are proud of what FM and UVA have been able to do for our community through past CVC charitable donation drives. We hope you’ll consider donating if you are able. Reach out to if you have any questions.
Jane Centofante
Communications senior generalist
UVA Facilities Management
(434) 982-5846