
FM-OHS provides a wide range of health and safety training options to help sustain a healthful and safe working and learning environment. These training courses are offered not only to meet numerous regulations, but also toward an effort to encourage health and safety throughout the entire university community.
See below for training guidelines, and our full list of courses.
See your group's training records
- Training Records prior to 2024: This Tableau report is accessible by anyone with Tableau access: FM management and management staff.
- Training Records from January 1, 2024 to present can be found via Workday: Class info is added 5-7 days after a training is completed.
Course registration & guidelines
Request a course
- Email
- Email must come from employee's supervisor.
- Include:
- Employee's name (first/last)
- Computing ID
- Class(es) requested
- Preferred date, if desired
- What are your typical working hours?
Request a course not listed
If you would like to request a training course not listed below, please fill out the Training Request Form and submit it to
Helpful hints and expectations for supervisors
- Be familiar with the Safety Training Tableau and look for your shop's and team's training records: Does everyone have what they need? Is everyone up to date?
- Look for calendar invites and email notifications with training assignments for your employees. Supervisors are always copied. Be on the lookout for training assignments in Workday Learning.
- Know what training is required for your employee's job responsibilities and know OHS is able to provide training at any time. Email to request training.
- Know that OHS is available to review and assess your training needs, answer questions, and provide guidance. Email with any questions or requests.
- Supervisors are responsible for their team's training responsibilities and commitment to training assignments. Please allow your employees time to complete the trainings at work.
- Supervisors should be familiar with Zoom and Workday Learning access and should assist employees who may not be familiar with the technology, access, and navigation on these platforms.
- Supervisors should always provide access and adequate time, space, and equipment so employees are able to participate in their assigned training sessions.
- Make sure you or your employees are communicating their attendance well ahead of an in-person class by responding to the calendar invite; and make sure employees are attending their assigned sessions.
- Make sure your team is completing digital assignments in Workday by the deadline noted.
Helpful hints & expectations for employees
- Arrive 5 minutes early to class
- Late arrivals will be turned away
- Come prepared w/PPE, equipment, etc.
- Bring your own snacks, drinks, and food
- Sign-in and sign-out or you won't get credit for attending
- Dress appropriately for outdoor sessions (warm clothes, breathable clothes, sunscreen, hydration)
- You must accept/decline with reason at least 48 hours prior to training class.
- Need transportation? Contact the FM On-Demand Shuttle Service @ 434-987-5012
Attendance policy
- All FM-OHS training courses are provided to Facilities Management employees at no charge.
- However, an 'accept' or 'decline' response to the calendar invitation is mandatory at least 48 hours prior to training class.
- Supervisors will be notified of an employee's decline or missed attendance in assigned training sessions.
- Declining an assigned training will result in the inability of the employee to perform the work; and if an employee performs work for which they have not been trained or re-certified, they will be subject to disciplinary action..
Pre-requisites & class pairings
Understand the pre-requisite and/or the class pairing requirements
- See list of training classes and their course descriptions to see pre-requisites and class pairings
- You may be enrolled in pre-requisite/class pairing courses in addition to your request
What happens once a class is requested?
- Supervisor and employee will receive an acknowledgement to their training request by FM-OHS
- Employee will be placed on the class waitlist, or scheduled if there is no waitlist
- Employee will also be added to the waitlist for any class pre-requisites/class pairings, or scheduled
- Once scheduled, the employee will receive an email notification (supervisor is copied) with class details:
- Date/time/location/instructions/PPE & equipment requirements
- The employee will receive a calendar invite, which must be responded to at least 48 hours prior to training class
- Attend class, sign-in/out
- FM-OHS will contact you if a class has to be canceled or rescheduled due to weather or any unforeseen circumstances.
- Once a course is completed, FM-OHS will record the completion in the learning management system (LMS) and it will become part of your training records.
- If a certification card is issued with a class, the employee will receive this approximately 4 weeks after class is completed
Training classes
Asbestos Awareness
All housekeeping and custodial staff as well as all Facilities Management tradespersons are required to receive asbestos awareness within the first year of employment. This classroom awareness course will cover information available concerning asbestos containing material (ACM) in University buildings including instruction on how to recognize damaged ACM, engineering controls and work practices, procedures to prevent exposure, building signage, and warning labels. Trainees will receive information on the health effects of asbestos exposure, a brief regulatory overview, and a review of the University's asbestos management policy. This Class IV training does not qualify the attendee to handle or disturb asbestos.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: Annually (10 minute online refresher course)
Asbestos Awareness Online Refresher
All employees who completed the Asbestos Awareness course are required to complete this online refresher course; and will receive a brief overview of all components covered in the initial Class IV awareness training.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: Asbestos Awareness
*Recertification: Annually
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)
All employees who may come in contact with blood or other potentially infectious material during the course of their work are required to receive training prior to potential exposure. Instruction is provided on risks associated with bloodborne pathogens as well as proper handling procedures for blood and other potentially infectious materials. This course includes individual hands-on training with specific instruction for blood cleanup. Trainees must show competence and achieve a passing grade on the course evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: Annually
Bloodborne Pathogens Refresher (BBP)
All employees who completed the bloodborne pathogens course and may come in contact with blood or other potentially infectious material during the course of their work are required to receive annual refresher training. Instruction is provided on risks associated with bloodborne pathogens as well as proper handling procedures for blood and other potentially infectious materials. This course includes individual hands-on training with specific instruction for blood cleanup. Trainees must show competence and achieve a passing grade on the course evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: BBP
*Recertification: Annually

All employees who will operate a Bobcat/Skidsteer powered industrial truck are required to receive training prior to operation. This hands-on training provides instruction on how to inspect, operate, use equipment attachments, and maneuver a bobcat/skid steer and covers hazards specific to snow removal operations. Training is required for all employees who use a bobcat/skid steer regardless of the frequency of or area in which it is used. A certification card will be issued to each trainee who shows competence and achieves a passing grade on the practical hands-on practical evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: 3 Years

All employees who operate a chainsaw are required to receive training. Chainsaw training addresses operation and maintenance of chainsaws, recognition of safety hazards, proper use of required personal protective equipment (PPE), safety procedures, and safe performance of routine work tasks. Chainsaw training is required before an employee operates this equipment and must be repeated when new equipment or practices are implemented. Trainees must show competence and achieve a passing grade on the course and practical hands-on evaluations.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
Confined Space Entry
All employees expected to enter a confined space must receive Confined Space Entry training. This training will teach the definition and identification of a confined space, the hazards associated with work in the spaces, and the proper methods required to work safely. It will also cover the criteria that raise a confined space to Permit-Required Confined Space status. Trainees must show competence and achieve a passing grade on the course evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: Fall Protection Authorized User
*Recertification: Required when new hazards are introduced, procedures are changed, or deficiencies in safe work operations have occurred.
Electrical Safety
All employees who will perform work on or around electrically energized equipment, be required to de-energize equipment in order to perform electrical work, and/or will be exposed to the risk of electrical shock. This training focuses on the hazards of electricity, including components specific to arc flash hazards as well as how to identify and prevent possible accidents and/or injuries. Additional safe work practices are covered including the lockout/tagout (LOTO) process and use of proper PPE. Trainees must show competence and achieve a passing grade on the course evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: Lockout/Tagout (LOTO), First Aid/CPR/AED Annually, Bloodborne Pathogens
*Recertification: 3 years - Required when new hazards are introduced, procedures are changed, or deficiencies in safe work operations have occurred.
Excavation Competent Person
All employees who will be responsible to demonstrate proper inspection and knowledge necessary to fill the role of competent person; and employees who will be working in or around trenches and excavations greater than four feet are required to take this course. This competent person course will teach you how to recognize the potential hazards and employ the proper protective measures. This course will meet the competent person definition in the regulations. Each FM shop that is exposed to trenches and excavations must have at least one person trained to the competent person level. A certification card will be issued to each trainee who shows competence and achieves a passing grade on the course evaluation. This course is offered annually or upon request.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: 3 years or required when new hazards are introduced, procedures are changed, or deficiencies in safe work operations have occurred.
Fall Protection Authorized Person
All employees who will be required to don a harness are required to take this course. This classroom and hands-on training course will teach trainees how to recognize possible fall hazards and falling-object hazards, when methods and plans are needed, and the methods and tools to reduce or eliminate fall hazards. Employees will be taught the difference between fall arrest and fall restraint protective equipment and when to use each type of protective equipment. Trainees must show competence and achieve a passing grade on the course evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: 3 years
Fire Extinguisher & Fire Watch
All employees expected to sound the alarm and alert firefighters and building occupants if there is an emergency must receive Fire Extinguisher & Fire Watch training. This training will teach employees to look for observable signs of smoke, fire, and hazardous conditions, prevent a fire from occurring and extinguishing small fires, and to focus on the primary role of alerting professionals and protecting the public. This course will also familiarize employees with the general principles of fire extinguisher use. Trainees must show competence and achieve a passing grade on the course evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: Annually
First Aid/CPR/AED

Some employees based on their job role and responsibilities are required to have first aid training. Electricians are required to update this training annually. This classroom and hands-on training course will teach trainees how to provide CPR as well as first aid. The course will also instruct employees on how to respond to shock and heart conditions. A certification card will be issued to each trainee who shows competence and achieves a passing grade on the course evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: Bloodborne Pathogens
*Recertification: Annually for employees in Electrical Safety Program/NFPA-70e Standards
Forklift (New Operator)
All employees who will operate a forklift are required to receive training prior to operation. This online and practical hands-on course cover inspection and safe operation of forklifts. This course will teach employees the operational differences between a car and a forklift, power sources, capabilities, stability, and carbon monoxide hazards while operating while operating propane or diesel trucks inside buildings. An online evaluation is required to pass the online course; and an operator's license will be issued to each trainee who shows competence and achieves a passing grade on the practical hands-on evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: 3 year
Forklift (Recertification)
All employees are required to take this hand-on course to update and review trainees' knowledge of inspections, stability, and safe operation of forklifts. Individual driving tests will be held. An operator's license will be issued to each trainee who shows competence and achieves a passing grade on the practical hands-on evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: Forklift New Operator
*Recertification: 3 years
Hearing Conservation
All employees in the Hearing Conservation Program are required to receive this training. This course covers noise levels, hearing hazards, and recommendations on how to prevent hearing loss. It will cover the effects of noise; the purpose advantages, and disadvantages of various types of hearing protectors; the selection fit, and care of protectors; and the purpose and procedures of audiometric testing.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: Annually
Hoist & Rigging

All employees who will be expected to operate hoist and rigging equipment are required to receive proper training prior to operation. This one-day classroom and hands-on course will cover general requirements for proper rigging, how and why proper rigging practices improve safety, as well as review rigging requirements for steel chains, wire rope, metal mesh, and synthetic fiber slings. Hoist operation will be covered. Mobile cranes awareness will also be covered in this course. Training includes hoist set-up, load dynamics, lift planning, load charts, rigging, and signaling, and use of required personal protective equipment (PPE). A certification card will be issued to each trainee who shows competence and achieves a passing grade on the course evaluation. A passing grade indicates that the participant has the knowledge to safely use hoist and rigging equipment at UVA Facilities Management.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: 5 years
Laboratory Safety
All employees who will perform work in a laboratory environment must receive Laboratory Safety training. This training focuses on understanding signage and warning labels, awareness of potential hazards in a laboratory, as well as how to respond to laboratory emergencies.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: Required when new hazards are introduced, procedures are changed, or deficiencies in safe work operations have occurred
Lead in Construction
All Facilities Management tradespersons who are required to disturb lead-containing materials at work are required to receive this course. Attendees will receive information about lead hazards, the nature of operations that could lead to lead exposure, the content of the OSHA standard, and proper use of respirators, engineering controls, and good work practices including a review of the University's medical surveillance and lead management policies. Participants will be qualified to handle and/or disturb lead-containing materials after attending this course.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: All participants are required to be enrolled in the University's Respiratory Protection Program
*Recertification: Annually (10 minute online refresher course).
Lead in Construction Online Refresher
All employees who completed the Lead in Construction course are required to complete this online refresher course; and will receive a brief overview of all components covered in the initial Lead in Construction training.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: Lead in Construction
*Recertification: Annually
Lockout/Tagout Authorized User (LOTO)
All employees that service or repair equipment that possesses hazardous energy must attend lockout/tagout training before working on equipment or practicing lockout/tagout procedures. Equipment-specific safety procedures are developed by each department in conjunction with and support from FM-OHS.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: Required when new hazards are introduced, procedures are changed, or deficiencies in safe work operations have occurred
Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP)
All employees who will operate any type of mobile elevated work platform (aerial lift, personal lift, scissor lift, or bucket truck) are required to receive training prior to operation. This combination of classroom and practical hands-on training provides instruction on how to inspect, safely operate, and maneuver aerial lifts, personal lifts, scissor lists, and bucket trucks. Training covers safety procedures, proper preparation, use of required personal protective equipment (PPE), including using harnesses, and site inspection. A certification card will be issued to each trainee who shows competence and achieves a passing grade on the course evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: Fall Protection Authorized User
*Recertification: 3 years
New Employee Safety Training (NEST)
All new Facilities Management employees are required to take this course. NEST provides an overview of health and safety training requirements and resources for all UVA FM employees. This one-time course is designed to familiarize employees with potential workplace hazards, training programs, and safety procedures that are important to employee health and safety. This training covers a review of Hazard Communication Training, Ladder Safety, and Lockout/Tagout Awareness. Additional training is required to become a Lockout/Tagout Authorized User.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: Required when deficiencies in safe work operations have occurred
OSHA 10 Construction
This OSHA Outreach Training Program provides training for workers and employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces. The program also provides information regarding workers' rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint. The 10-hour class is intended to provide workers with awareness of common job-related safety and health hazards in the construction environment. Trainees who complete this course will receive a course completion card, which does not expire. This is a two day class with no makeup days for any time missed. Complete attendance is required in order to receive credit for course completion.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: None
OSHA 10 General Industry
This OSHA Outreach Training Program provides training for workers and employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces. The program also provides information regarding workers' rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint. The 10-hour class is intended to provide workers with awareness of common job-related safety and health hazards in the general industry environment. Trainees who complete this course will receive a course completion card, which does not expire. This is a two day class with no makeup days for any time missed. Complete attendance is required in order to receive credit for course completion.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: None
OSHA 30 Construction
This OSHA Outreach Training Program provides training for workers and employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces. The program also provides information regarding workers' rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint. The 30-hour class is more appropriate for supervisors or workers with some safety responsibilities in the construction environment. Trainees who complete this course will receive a course completion card, which does not expire. This is a four day class with no makeup days for any time missed. Complete attendance is required in order to receive credit for course completion.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: None
OSHA 30 General Industry
This OSHA Outreach Training Program provides training for workers and employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces. The program also provides information regarding workers' rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint. The 30-hour class is more appropriate for supervisors or workers with some safety responsibility in the general industry environment. Trainees who complete this course will receive a course completion card, which does not expire. This is a four day class with no makeup days for any time missed. Complete attendance is required in order to receive credit for course completion.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: None
Respiratory Protection New User
All employees who are required to use respiratory protection must receive this training prior to any respirator use. The training includes a description of the respiratory hazards to which employees are potentially exposed to during routine and emergency situations as well as training in the proper use of respirators, including putting on and removing, any limitations on their use, and their maintenance. Individuals must receive Respiratory Protection Training prior to being issued respiratory protective equipment.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: Annually (conducted during each employee's scheduled respirator fit-testing)
Respiratory Protection Refresher
All employees who are required to use respiratory protection must receive this training prior to any respirator use. The training includes a description of the respiratory hazards to which employees are potentially exposed to during routine and emergency situations as well as training in the proper use of respirators, including putting on and removing, any limitations on their use, and their maintenance. Individuals must receive Respiratory Protection Training prior to being issued respiratory protective equipment.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: Respiratory Protection New User
*Recertification: Annually (conducted during each employee's scheduled respirator fit-testing)
Scaffold User
All employees that will perform work on or from a scaffold must receive this training. This training teaches employees how to use scaffold, recognize hazards associated with various types of scaffolding, and provides education on procedures to control or minimize potential risks such as electrical, fall, and falling object hazards. The course also addresses handling materials, load-carrying capacity, installation of , and falling object protection systems. This course is not intended to meet the requirements for competency in building and/or installing scaffolds. Trainees must show competence and achieve a passing grade on the course evaluation.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: Required when new hazards are introduced, procedures are changed, or deficiencies in safe work operations have occurred
Scaffold Competent Person (Assembler)
All employees who are expected to be responsible to demonstrate proper inspection and knowledge necessary to fill the role of competent person. This Scaffold Competent Person course is designed to provide the necessary training to comply with the Competent Person requirements as described in OSHA 1926 Subpart L Regulation to Scaffolds. This includes erecting, disassembling, moving, operating, repairing, maintaining, or inspecting a scaffold. Classroom instruction includes an in-depth review of the regulations for various scaffolds and also includes a hands-on practical exercise to familiarize participants with basic scaffold erection procedures. As Competent Persons, employees will be able to direct fellow employees in erecting, dismantling, moving, and/or altering scaffolds; inspect scaffolds and scaffold components for visible defects; and train employees involved in erecting, disassembling, moving, operating, repairing, maintaining, or inspecting scaffolds to recognize associated work hazards. Each FM shop that uses scaffold equipment must have at least one person trained to the competent person level. Further, it is also recommended that those who have already taken Scaffold User training take this course to further their understanding of scaffold practices in the workplace. A certification card will be issued to each trainee who shows competence and achieves a passing grade on the course evaluation. This course is offered upon request.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: None
Work Zone Traffic Control – Basic/8-Hour
All employees who have direct responsibility for the placement of work zone traffic control devices and/or direct responsibility for field maintenance of work zone traffic control devices are required to receive Work Zone Traffic Control – Basic/8 Hour. Federal requirements now instruct state and local governments to train personnel in work zone traffic control relevant to the job decisions that each individual is required to make. This workshop provides training needed to properly install work zones to perform daily maintenance or short-term operations. Emphasis is placed on the basics of work zone traffic control, focusing on work zone devices and how to effectively install and maintain them. At the conclusion of this workshop, a short open-book written exam will be administered to all attendees. A VDOT certification card will be given to each attendee who achieves a passing grade of 80% or higher. This class is offered upon request.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: 4 years
Work Zone Traffic Control – Intermediate/16-Hour
All employees who will be actively involved in designing, supervising, and overseeing the implementation of temporary work zone traffic control. Federal requirements now instruct state and local governments to train personnel in work zone traffic control relevant to the job decisions that each individual is required to make. This workshop provides training needed to properly install and monitor work zones for construction and maintenance projects for long-term (greater than three consecutive days) operations. This course provides comprehensive training on work zone standards, guidelines, installations and removal procedures, inspection, liability, documentation and supervisory skills. Several workshops included in this course are designed to provide hands-on experience in implementing and modifying temporary traffic control plans for various real-life situations. It also teaches employees how to recognize, analyze, correct, and document deficiencies. At the conclusion of this workshop, a short open-book written exam will be administered to all attendees. A VDOT certification card will be given to each attendee who achieves a passing grade of 80% or higher. This class is offered upon request.
*Pre-requisite/class pairing: None
*Recertification: 4 years