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Fontaine Construction Projects - FAQs

Where can I find information about construction impacts?

The Fontaine Construction Projects website will be updated weekly.

How do I sign up for construction alerts?

Construction alerts will be posted to the website continually.

Who can I talk to about any questions or concerns?

Please email with any questions or concerns.

What is the timeline for each project?

Fontaine schedule

What can I expect during rock removal?

What is rock removal and why is it required?

Rock removal is required to build both the Institute of Biotechnology and Fontaine Parking Garage. Blasting it is the least impactful option for removing the rock. The other option, chipping away at the rock, has a multi-year duration as opposed to a 2-month duration, and an additional $11M cost, with both vibration and noise impacts much greater than blasting.

When will rock removal start?

Rock removal will begin on May 28th.

How invasive are the blasts going to be?

Two blasts will occur on the Institute of Biotechnology site and two blasts on the Parking Garage site for a total of four per day. The construction teams are working to coordinate the blasts on both sites to happen in unison to lessen the impact. The blast will sound like a series of firecrackers firing in sequence and last a few seconds. The process of sounding a 5-minute warning, closing access to the site, sounding a 1-minute warning, executing the blast, and sounding an all-clear signal will take approximately 10 minutes. Once the all clear sound is communicated, vehicles and pedestrians can safety travel within the blast zone.

What is the timing of each blast?

Blasts will occur at noon and 3:30pm Monday through Friday.

Will there be a warning before each blast?

Yes, an air horn will sound with a 5-minute warning and 1-minute warning before each blast, and an all-clear after each blast. Signs will be posted explaining the warning signal sequence.

What vehicular and pedestrian impacts will there be?

Vehicular and pedestrian traffic will be stopped within the blast zone for approximately 10 minutes. Vehicles and pedestrians outside of the blast radius can continue to move about.

Do I need to be inside a building during each blast?

If your building is not within the blast zone (500, 515, 545, 560) there is no need to stay inside. If your building is within the blast zone (400, 415, Snyder and Aurbach), please stay inside the building during the blasting period. We ask that you stay at least two feet away from any windows as a precaution in the unlikely event of flying debris. No pedestrian or vehicular traffic will be allowed within the blast zone during the 10-minute blasting period.

I am a staff member. Where can I park?

Now (April 1, 2024 - May 27, 2024)

Please park in designated staff (U9) spaces per normal operations. See map below.
Fontaine April 2024 parking

During rock removal (May 28, 2024 - July 31, 2024)

All staff with U9 permits, except ADA parkers, will be required to park remotely. You have the option to park at John Paul Jones Arena Garage and take a UTS bus directly to Fontaine or park at Hereford College S6 and S9 lots and walk to Fontaine. See below for pedestrian path from Hereford College. ADA staff parkers should pull up to the valet stand in front of 400 Ray C. Hunt for further valet instructions. ADA parkers will also be given a phone number to call for valet service to their building. More details to follow.
Fontaine pedestrian route

After rock removal (August 1, 2024+)

Please park in designated staff (U9) spaces per normal operations. We will continue to monitor the parking situation as construction progresses.

Will I still have to pay for parking while I am parking remotely?

No. Your U9 parking permit fee will be waived from May 28, 2024 through July 31, 2024.

I am a patient or research subject. Where can I park?

Now (April 1, 2024 - May 27, 2024)

Please park in designated patient or visitor spaces per normal operations. See map below.
Fontaine April 2024 parking

During rock removal (May 28, 2024 - July 31, 2024)

Patients visiting 415 Ray C. Hunt should pull up to the 415 entrance where a staff attendant will be waiting to valet their car. All other patients should continue to park in designated patient or visitor spaces as they normally would.

After rock removal (August 1, 2024+)

Please park in designated patient or visitor spaces per normal operations.

I am a patient. Can I be dropped off?

Yes, patients can continue to be dropped off at all clinic buildings throughout construction activities.

I am a staff member required to park outside of Fontaine during rock removal. How do I get to Fontaine?

You have the option to park at John Paul Jones Arena Garage and take a UTS bus directly to Fontaine or park at Hereford College S6 and S9 lots and walk to Fontaine. ADA staff parkers should pull up to the valet stand in front of 400 Ray C. Hunt for further valet instructions. ADA staff parkers will also be given a phone number to call for valet service to their building. More details to follow.

How often will the UTS bus run from JPJ Arena Garage to Fontaine? And at what times?

The UTS bus will run from 6:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday. During peak times (6:00am-8:00am and 4:00pm-6:00pm) buses will be available every 10 minutes. Outside of peak times during the middle of the day (8:00am-4:00pm), buses will be available every 30 minutes. A schedule is forthcoming.

How do I get from Fontaine to West Complex, Pinn Hall, University Hospital, etc.?

The Health System shuttle will continue to run normally. More information can be found here (

Will there be an on-call shuttle for after-hours?

Yes. A shuttle will be available for on-demand service from 6:00pm-6:00am Monday through Friday. More information about how to request rides is forthcoming.

Will I be able to walk to other buildings at the park?

Yes. A map of existing pedestrian paths is below. Please see above question about pedestrian impacts during rock removal.
Fontaine pedestrian route