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Exploring future pathways

November 30, 2022

Boys & Girls Club students visit UVA Apprenticeship Program

A tour of a maintenance room led by an FM employee
Apprentice Pedro Gonzalez leads a tour of a maintenance room in Stone Hall.

Earlier this month, students from the Journey Middle School chapter of the Boys & Girls Club visited UVA Facilities Management and the West Grounds Zone Maintenance team to learn about the trades and the UVA Apprenticeship Program.

The students received a tour of maintenance rooms, including views of HVAC systems and electrical panels, before returning to the shop to gain some hands-on experience. There, they rotated through three different stations, each featuring a different skill that is taught through the apprenticeship program.

First, the students were able to test their strength while trying to bend pipe — meant to serve as conduit for wiring — to a 90-degree angle using a hand-held conduit bender. At the next station, they learned to cut and connect wires to run a circuit with the end-goal of providing electricity to a lightbulb. Finally, they got to try their hand at wrapping insulation around pipes.

A group photo of Boys and Girls Club visitors and Facilities staff
Group photo of the Journey Middle School chapter of the Boys & Girls Club, the West Grounds Zone Maintenance team, UVA apprentices and Apprentice Instructor Tom Castellanos.

As a continuation of a previous partnership with Facilities Management, the visit allowed members of the club who showed interest in the different trades to get a direct look at the work and tools involved.

About the author

Afia Paracha
Communications assistant student worker
UVA Facilities Management